Selling Out Fast! Be Quick to Grab Your Copy While it's Still Selling for Loose change. Price Locked for Next 48 Hours!
I took $80 and turned it into $10,000... In 4 Weeks!
FINALLY REVEALED: After many requests, I'm now releasing this exclusively to the Warrior Forum:
Dear Fellow Warrior,
I’m Daniel - 24-year-old Aussie surfer - and I banked $10k in my first 4 weeks of Internet Marketing.
First up, let me tell you I’m no Internet guru or wizz or Internet Marketing genius. I’m just a young guy who wanted to make this IM thing work. And I got it to work alright..
------ > On my first day I made $190.78!
------ > In 48 hours I made $977!
------ > I had no list! All free organic traffic!
------ > I had 8,000 visitors in one day!
------ > In 24 hours, 6000 people clicked through to my affiliate offer!
First up, a little background.
I bought Andrew Macleod's Profit Storm in April. I followed his guidance and managed to bank $10,000, and in the process won the Profit Storm May Competition (Read about it here -
I'm not the type of guy who wants to shout or boast from rooftops, really! But I did want to show newbies and seasoned warriors alike what's possible. Maybe compared to other more experienced people - the ones who know everything about IM - it's probably nothing, but it was a great first month for me and I enjoyed every minute of it.
When I won Andrew Macleod's May Award for the most successful Profit Storm Site, I got a LOT of PM's asking me how I did it. I was reluctant to provide too much information, because I wanted to make sure the site was safe for the buyer. It is now well and truly safe - that site just hit PR2!
How did I make $10,000 in 4 weeks?
It started with $80 and 1 thought – You know those times when you have this inspired thought - And then you choose to act on it - and suddenly you see a massive result you never expected?
I cashed in on an EVERGREEN MULTI MILLION DOLLAR industry and it paid up big time! It was much, much easier than I ever thought it would be. (Might even be a billion dollar industry.)
One inspired thought made it all happen.
I turned $80 into $10,000.
I achieved results I never thought I’d achieve...
Turn $80 into $10,000 in 4 weeks.
Step One: Decide You're Going to Have Massive Success Online
Since making the money, I've been putting together a Walkthrough and Case Study into exactly how I did it. I suspect the results I got aren't typical, but I don't see why they couldn't be. I had no prior experience in Internet Marketing, and relied very heavily on outsourcing to make this happen.
Enough fluff, let me tell you what my Walk Through and Case Study Spells Out for You:
----- > The Multi Million Dollar Evergreen Niche I targeted.
----- > How I Built A Site With Next to No HTML Knowledge.
----- > How I got my Brand New Site to Number 1 on Google in 7 days.
----- > How I pulled in over $3800 in Clickbank commissions in 4 weeks.
----- > How I Sold a 4 week old website for $5800.
----- > Where and How I outsourced just about EVERYTHING!
How did I make $10,000 in 4 weeks?
Let me tell you - it’s not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. $10k Newbie exposes EXACTLY how I did it.
Bet you’re thinking you couldn’t make $10k in 4 weeks?
If I can do it, I reckon pretty much ANYONE can.
Let me tell you, when I set up this site, I didn’t know:
----- X How to do SEO.
----- X What it took to get a site to Number 1 on Google.
----- X How to get a site to stay at Google Number 1.
----- X How to sell a website.
----- X What a Wordpress theme or plugin was.
----- X Pretty much anything to do with Internet marketing!
(Not kidding.)
But I did it anyway. And learnt A LOT along the way.
First up, let me show you some proof, so you know I'm not just making it up.
Too Good to be True? Check this out!
Clickbank Screenshots from when I had the site:
And here’s my Paypal Account from when I decided to sell this 4-week-old website for $5800:
Making $10,000 in 4 weeks - Never thought it'd happen to me. But it did.
Now I want to show you how you can do the same.
I've put together everything I can think of that you will ever possibly need in setting up your own copycat system.
I provide you with my toolbox and EVERYTHING I used in a step by step layout out so you know exactly what I did, and what you can do for the same resutlts.
Let me tell you exactly what I'm going to give you.
Here's What You Get:
I’m going to take you by the hand and show you:
----- > Where I got this golden idea.. And where you can find your own $10k Newbie idea.
----- > How I made it to Number 1 in Google in 7 days with a brand new website.
----- > How I sold my 4-week-old site for $5,800.
----- > How, when and where I outsourced pretty much all the Content Creation, SEO Work and Linkbuilding - seeing how I had no clue had to build a website, let alone how to build a profitable one.
----- > The Number 1 theme I chose and recommend.
----- > The Exact plugins I used.
----- > How I pulled in 1000’s of visitors to my site every day for FREE.
----- > How to turn this site into an ongoing, sustainable business you can profit off for years to come.
$10k Newbie is THE WSO that gives you the EXACT blueprint of how I managed to bank $10k in 4 weeks and clearly shows you how you can get the same results.
The best thing about this system is that once you set up a site - it's good to go. You just sit back and watch the cash come in every day - unless you decide to sell it, like I did.
When I was writing this Walkthrough and case study up, I thought –
What else can I give to make sure EVERY Single Person who buys this is going to succeed and make money fast from this?
I thought about it for a few weeks before nailing down exactly what I was going to give you to make this work for you. I came up with the following Bonuses - a Toolbox of Everything you need to have massive success online too!
How’s that for a steal? $10k Newbie gives you everything you need to know on how to create a sustainable online business profiting 5 figures per month!
Here’s What You Need To Do:
Buy here and get instant access to your own copy of $10K Newbie today, with the bonuses included for FREE!
I couldn’t have had the success I’ve had without the help of the Warrior Forum. You guys are legends!
So I’m giving back to you guys by offering everyone my story for the price of a cup of coffee.
You want to know the full details on how I did it - Nothing held back?
Here's What You Need to Do:
And start your online business TODAY!
Please Note: I only intend to keep this open for a few weeks for the serious people who want to make money fast. (Not a scarcity tactic – I only intend to have this offer available for a few weeks – after that it is OFF the market for GOOD).
=> Grab Your Copy Before it Sells Out For Good
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